When it comes to our businesses, we get to choose how we spend our time, what we decide to work on, and who we decide to work with.

LinkedIn activity is one of the things we might want to prioritize. The network has never been a stronger platform for professional connections, with a reach now over 500 million users.

So, how do you separate signal from the noise and connect with your ideal clients on LinkedIn? The answer is, personality-and even more so likeability.  

The chances are you’re losing out on a ton of potential connections with clients and business partners because your profile is bland and monotonous. I know my profile used to be. Then I said, “Screw it. Let’s be one-of-a-kind. Let’s stand out.”  
Are you nodding your head in agreement? Great! Then it’s time to make a change. Here’s a few quick steps to showcasing your personality on Linkedin and supercharging your likeability.

1. Summarize Your Awesomeness

The profile summary is one of LinkedIn’s most underutilized features. This is the space where you can get really descriptive about your personality. Are you funny? Do you have a big heart? Are you crazy about your pet?

Don’t be afraid to add in these details as you describe what you are up to in the world, and who you’re here to serve with your business.

There is a huge difference between what’s “too personal” on LinkedIn and what’s sharing your personality. It’s not too personal to share your sense of humor, your values, or a story about how you got into your profession.

That’s the balance we’re seeking here.

If your profile can be mistaken for an aerial drone advertisement, you’re not sharing enough. Don’t hide behind buzzwords or a boring copy-and-paste of your resume summary.

You’ll likely be passed over for someone who shines.

2. Speak From A Comfortable Point Of View

A question that often comes up is whether to write in the first person or third person. For most of us, first person will make the most sense. Writing in the third person is simply less personable.

If you happen to have a high level of prestige (e.g. you’re a CEO or General Counsel), then third person might be the way to go. Otherwise, it’s best to use first person, and write with I, me, my, statements.

First person conveys a tone where you are speaking directly to your audience and can foster a deeper sense of connection. I don’t have a hard and fast rule, but the point of view you write in should be comfortable for you and your reader too.

3. Becoming Your Own Filter!

Another common fear I hear is, “What if I turn off some potential connections with my personality?” To this I say, “Good job!” LinkedIn is a global marketplace and there is enough room for everybody, it’s ok to get more specific about who you want to work with.

If your profile summary truly is an authentic expression of who you are then it’s already doing the work of filtering out potential bad fits for your business. This way you’ll have more time and energy to focus on who is right for you.

By taking a stand for who you are, you’re allowing your profile to become a strong attractor for the right people. Those who aren’t a good match will simply bounce off your radar.

It’s okay to own your personality as the female marketing professional who gave up dreams of being a football star, or the guitar-rocking sales star who bludgeons quotas with a baseball bat, even if that means someone who’s never heard of Brett Favre or Jimi Hendrix will move on to the next profile.

Action Steps

  1. Write your LinkedIn profile summary in the first person to remain down-to-earth and approachable.
  2. Include a story or two, as well as references to your values and what’s important to you in life.
  3. Be clear about who would be a good fit for you and your business – and accept that some people will not.


Result You Will Achieve

A LinkedIn profile that showcases your personality and attracts your ideal customers.

Mentor: Brenda Bernstein

Founder of The Essay Expert. Brenda is a compelling speaker, award-winning businesswoman and top-certified resume writer.

This article is based on an EHQ interview with the mentor.