Being Relevant Means Being Personal Everyone who is in the services business already understands the power of personalization. It even affects what kind of small talk we have together! As a business that services freelancers I realized that there are many different kinds of freelancers. Some are solo,
Read MoreStart A Conversation With A LinkedIn Connection (Automated Prompts)
LinkedIn Through The Ages I got started with LinkedIn way back in the beginning, I’ve been a power user of the platform for a long time so I’ve seen it evolve through its different phases. I work with B2B businesses helping them utilize the site for their sales and marketing
Read More3 Proven Lead Magnets To Build Your Email List
On Generating Leads I help marketers understand and leverage seemingly complicated marketing technologies to reach and appeal to their audiences. Lead generation can be pretty complicated and isn’t something everybody gets right, especially if they are in the early stages of digital marketing. I love showing people how to build
Read MoreKey Motivations To Achieve Your Goals (With Consequences)
Setting Goals For Growth And Happiness Most of my career was spent in the book publishing industry and now I’m an author and involved with my new business. I’ve also been married for 40 years and I have 5 daughters and 8 grandchildren so I always have a full plate
Read MoreInstagram Comments For Influencer Attention (And More Followers)
My Instagram Journey Like a lot of entrepreneurs out there, I have many different passions that drive what I do in the world. I work with some nonprofits and religious organizations and I do some motivational speaking with them. I love the idea of helping others live out the best
Read MoreProcess To Create A Content Strategy (What Works Best)
Any Strategy Is Better Than No Strategy There are so many parts of content marketing and you need to be hitting on all of them if you want to see some success. Above all else, your content strategy is going to have the biggest impact on whether or not your
Read MoreAutomated Tool For Your Client Onboarding Process That Reduces Refunds
Tools Rule I couldn’t run my business the way I do these days without using tools to automate and scale my processes. When I started out 10 years ago it was super difficult to automate anything without having some programming knowledge, and I pretty much had none! Now it’s a
Read MoreSales Copy Tips For A Successful Product Launch
Everything Is Copy Ok so I stole the title of my blog from Nora Ephron, but I agree with it 1000%. That’s why I decided to become the original product launch copywriter and why I’m here today. Product launches are spectacular, they have such transformative power over people’s businesses
Read MoreThe Email Popup Design That Grows Your List By 100+ Per Day
Not All Copywriters Write To Convert… But They Should Copywriting is one of the best places to invest your energy – if you want to grow your business through email marketing. Most of the writing you see online is meant to get you to take some action or another. In
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