Write For Us

Write For Us

You’d like to write a guest post for Entrepreneurs HQ?

Great! We’re always willing to add awesome talent to our team of Entrepreneurs HQ contributors!

Please understand that we don’t accept unsolicited submissions. We DO accept brief pitches for blog posts (see instructions below), and if we like your writing and your idea, we may invite you to contribute.

Once you’re accepted as an exclusive Entrepreneurs HQ contributor, we’ll promote your articles far and wide, including to our 50,000 email subscribers and our 100,000+ social media followers! We want to get you as much exposure as possible.

Think you’ve got what it takes? Read on.

General Requirements

It has to be high quality

We have some seriously high standards when it comes to our content. Don’t be surprised if you’re asked to go through multiple revisions and edits before we publish it.

It’s original

This one is pretty obvious. If your article has been published anywhere else before, we don’t want it.

Know our audience.

Entrepreneurs HQ is all about providing quality, actionable content for novice-stage startups and entrepreneurs, and anything within that ecosystem. You can check out our highest performing posts with tools like Buzzsumo if you need some inspiration on what to write for us. All articles are to be written bearing in mind that Entrepreneurs HQ has a global audience.

It’s actionable.

Our main requirement is that your article provides useful and actionable advice to our audience. This isn’t a place to wax poetic about the state of social media unless you’re telling our audience what they can do about it.

In-depth but concise.

We don’t have word requirements, but our feature posts tend to run 2500+ words. We like for our content to be detailed and dive deep, but we don’t want it to drone on or be repetitive.

You’re around when the post goes live.

Contributors must be online when the post goes live and promote.

You’re ready to do your part to promote.

Of course Entrepreneurs HQ will be sure to mail out your blog post to our 50 thousand plus mailing list as well as promote it on our own social media networks. But make sure that you do your part as well to share your epic post. Let everyone in your networks know about it. Together we can ensure that your post becomes a massive success!


Once published on the Entrepreneurs HQ blog, contributors are not permitted to re-post their article on any other websites or media outlets.

Content rights.

If we do not end up publishing your contribution, you are free to use this article anywhere else on the web. We do not own the rights to your piece.

How to Pitch

Tell us your idea. Only the idea, not the finished product.

Please include:

  • Two to three headline suggestions for your idea.
  • One to two sentences summarizing the main idea of the post, not to exceed 100 words.
  • A basic outline of what you intend to write, and what direction you want to take.
  • Links to 3 previous samples that are similar to what you would write for Entrepreneurs HQ.
Each piece of published content will include

A bio box, link to your site and two social media links of your choice.

If your pitch is accepted

We’ll ask you to submit a draft. At that point, we will send over our detailed guidelines and more information. Please note that a successful pitch does not automatically ensure your piece will be published.

We accept everything from text to illustrations to photographs. Please submit any images as low-resolution for us to review along with all credits.

And that’s all there is to it. If you feel like you’re up to scratch and you want to become a part of the Entrepreneurs HQ team then go ahead and fill out the form below!

Contributor Request

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