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How to Go Viral on Instagram as a Coach

Instagram is more than a social media platform. It’s a powerful tool that can help you build your brand, land new clients, and grow your coaching business. With this in mind, you’re probably wondering, like many coaches, how to go viral on Instagram. Luckily, there are proven steps you can take.

However, you can’t just publish a few posts and expect your ideal clients to “DM” you about your coaching services. You need a strategy.

In this post, we’re exploring 25 examples of how to gain viral traction on Instagram.

Why Going Viral on Instagram Can Help Your Coaching Business

Regardless of your coaching niche or specialty, your target market is most likely on Instagram. As a result, going viral on the platform can be an effective marketing strategy to grow your business. The benefits are more than worth the effort required to generate a viral response.

Going viral can offer many advantages, some of which include:

  • Increased follower count
  • More visibility to your target audience
  • Greater authority as a coach
  • More business opportunities
  • Better engagement rates
  • The uptick in business growth and sales

With the right social media marketing strategy, any coach can create viral content on Instagram. It’s simply a matter of abiding by a few proven principles – we’ll get to those in a moment. But first, it’s important that we define what it actually means to go viral on Instagram.

What’s Considered a Viral Post on Instagram?

Going viral refers to the massive and rapid increase of engagement on a piece of content.

This definition can be subjective, however. For example, a coach with a following of, say, 500 receiving 1,000 likes and 150 comments on their latest photo can claim that post “went viral.” Conversely, a coach with a following of 100,000 (or more) would see those performance metrics as a failure.

In fact, they may even be a bit concerned and reevaluate their content marketing strategy.

So, going viral on Instagram is subjective. However, we can give it stricter parameters to stabilize its meaning. Any image, video, or reel that receives 10K to 20K views or likes within 24 hours of being published can be categorized as viral content on Instagram.

What Kinds of Posts Go Viral on Instagram?

There are plenty of new strategies you can use to improve viral status and Instagram success.

But it’s always better to stick to the fundamentals. The basics will always take you further on social media than the latest tricks and tactics. Here are a few simple guidelines regarding the type of content that goes viral on Instagram.

  • Celebrity endorsements. Anytime a celebrity endorses your services or supports your business, it can be a promising jumpstart to viral activity. Here’s the good news: it doesn’t even have to be a real “celebrity.” Coaches or influencers within your niche with slightly larger followings than you can have the same effect.
  • Entertainment. Entertainment and education are typically separate categories. However, if you can incorporate both into your content, you’ll be far ahead of the competition. Let’s face it, most people go on social media for one main reason: boredom. So, find ways to make your Instagram content entertaining while also providing educational value. You can host challenges, giveaways, or create memes.
  • Relatability. Being relatable on Instagram can drastically increase your chances of going viral. Share real stories, be honest about how you feel regarding certain topics, and state your thoughts and opinions unapologetically. These are simple things you can start doing to show your audience you are a normal human being. Your audience wants to connect to the real you, not a facade that you create and display through a smartphone screen.

How Important is Timing?

Timing is another important consideration for going viral on Instagram.

What good is posting the content you worked so hard to create if no one sees it? Posting at the optimal times ensures your posts are seen by the right people. If your content isn’t visible because you posted at the wrong times, then the chances of it going viral become non-existent.

So, how do you get the timing right?

For viral success on Instagram, you have to know your audience’s peak activity hours. The good news is that this information is easy to find. All you have to do is visit your Instagram Insights section, which provides you with information regarding your audience’s peak times on the platform.

As a result, you can start posting content during those times to increase engagement and viral potential.

How to Go Viral on Instagram

The first thing to understand about going viral on Instagram is that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. A cookie-cutter template won’t work here. The process will vary for everyone, as we all have different brand voices and audiences with unique tastes and preferences.

Secondly, many coaches make the mistake of assuming one special trick or technique will get the job done. The truth, however, is that going viral is rarely the result of a singular tactic. It’s more so the combination of many little things strung together that creates a viral Instagram post.

The best course of action is to learn as many of these tactics as possible and then tailor them to your own brand and audience.

25 Examples of Viral Instagram Posts From Coaches

You now understand a few basic ideas about going viral on Instagram.

However, fundamentals often fail if they lack practical methods for application. So, in this section, I will explain the common elements, working parts, and simple action steps you can take today to see an increase in followers and go viral on Instagram.

Here are 25 examples of viral Instagram posts from other coaches.

1. Vanessa Van Edwards

Vanessa Van Edwards is an author, speaker, and communications coach.

She uses a science-based system to dissect human communication. And this is evident in her highly popular YouTube channel, The Science of People, which has close to one million subscribers.

But Vanessa has implemented a well-established yet little-known Instagram strategy for viral activity: showing up for your audience.

Many coaches forget the importance of simply showing up on social media. Look at Vanessa’s post count in the above photo.

With nearly 3,000 posts, she has shown up for her audience, posting original content for years. Most coaches believe all you need is one great, spectacular post, and a viral performance is almost guaranteed. That is the exception, not the rule.

Before you can go viral, you first need to establish a loyal audience.

However, the only way to build an audience is to show up for them with new content consistently. Once you have a following, though, going viral becomes easier (and more realistic). So, develop a consistent posting schedule that works for you.

And most importantly, stick to it by continually showing up for your audience.

2. Rob Dial

Rob Dial is an author, speaker, and coach within the personal development space.

One of his most viral Instagram posts comes from a video reel. The footage features Rob on a podcast, encouraging people to follow their dreams and create lives they’re proud of. The video garnered over 285K views and thousands of comments.

Why was this piece of content so impactful?

The Instagram feed of Rob

Firstly, he speaks a truth that we all know deep down we should abide by, living our lives to the fullest. Secondly, he speaks with conviction and passion about the topic, contributing to the video’s appeal and engagement.

But thirdly (and most importantly), he’s uplifting people in his content.

You can hear it in his voice that he wants YOU to succeed and win in life. So, if you want to go viral on Instagram as a coach, encourage your audience every chance you get. Let them know they have greatness waiting to be unleashed – because they do.

3. Corey Wayne

Corey Wayne is a relationship, peak performance, and success coach based in Florida.

He has a brash, unvarnished opinion that his audience loves about him. To support his thoughts, he often uses images of high-achieving individuals who share similar views. This type of content tends to do well as it acts as a form of social proof that backs his beliefs.

One of Corey’s posts used this tactic with Elon Musk.

The image’s text challenges the cultural and societal belief that one needs a college education to be successful. What can you learn from Corey Wayne’s example to go viral on Instagram? Don’t be afraid to go against the grain. Your core audience will appreciate your candid perspective (that’s what makes them your core audience).

Corey doesn’t try to pander to anyone.

Instead, he focuses on creating quality content that his target market enjoys. This is an essential step if you want to go viral as a coach.

4. Jeff Nippard

Jeff Nippard is a Canadian bodybuilder and fitness coach.

He has over ten years of experience mentoring others toward their health goals. Moreover, he boasts a social media following in the millions, including his Instagram with 1.3 million followers. At the beginning of 2024, he posted a before and after photo that went viral.

The image below says it all.

He used the image to prove the effectiveness of his nutrition app MacroFactor. The post garnered over 50,000 likes. More importantly, it demonstrates a critical factor in going viral on Instagram: transformation.

Your audience wants to hope that tomorrow can be better than today – hope sustains us.

If you can show some personal transformation you’ve undergone, it offers hope to the people who follow you. They’ll connect with your pain and struggle and feel compelled to share your story with others. So, think of a transformation you’ve experienced, either personally or professionally.

And share those details with your audience.

5. Nischa

As an accountant, money expert, and financial coach, Nischa has become one of the leading influencers in the world of economics.

She recently crossed the coveted one million subscriber threshold on YouTube and is quickly gaining ground on other financial giants. Her Instagram account is another indicator of her brand’s influence and impact.

One of her most viral Instagram posts was a video detailing how to create an emergency fund, it accumulated over 28K likes.

This was a viral performance considering the modest size of her Instagram following – 255K. So, what can you take away from Nischa’s example? Know your audience. Nischa knows what her market is struggling with, so she gives practical advice to help them overcome those difficulties.

Nischa looks at what her audience wants and delivers it to them in a straightforward manner.

This increases audience loyalty and creates an active follower base with greater amounts of engagement. Going viral on Instagram really can be that simple.

6. Shane Fazen

Shane Fazen is an internet personality and martial arts coach.

With over ten years of coaching experience, Fazen has been a dedicated martial artist, creating fight content for nearly two decades. He recently posted a viral video on his Instagram that showcases the importance of going against popular or traditional opinions.

With over 61K likes, the reel presents a contrary thought in the martial arts world.

Fazen explains that fighters don’t always need to keep their hands up (a popular opinion in fighting), provided they’re experienced with other forms of defense. This example demonstrates a secret to going viral on Instagram: the power of contrary opinions.

For instance, you can use this by looking at the commonly accepted beliefs within your niche. Do you have any contrary opinions that you can support with results and data? If so, you may have a viral Instagram post at your disposal.

7. Alex Cattoni

Alex Cattoni is an internet personality, marketing strategist, and copywriting coach based in Canada.

She uses a mix of methods to stay relevant to her audience. One of the latest tactics was jumping on the “Of course I…” trend, which has been making its rounds on social media. This humorous trend took off in 2024, and if you haven’t seen it, it begins with the influencer stating what they do.

It then explains all the generic, typical things that a person in that field or role is known for doing. This type of content is a humorous way to show your personality.

Alex used it on her Instagram, introducing herself in the headline with “I am a copywriter.” The text at the bottom of the image continues with “Of course I…” encouraging the reader to “swipe” to the next image, explaining the typical things most copywriters do.

While going against the grain at times is important, using current trends to show your humorous side matters too.

People want to be entertained on social media. So, if you jump on a trending content idea that people are gravitating toward, you can catch some of that viral activity for your coaching business.

8. Shawn Thomas

One of the speakers we had at our Instagram Success Summit was Shawn Thomas.

Thomas is a self-made millionaire who was already successful in business before deciding to build his Instagram following. He started an enterprise with only $500 and, in a little over a decade, scaled it to a $20 million behemoth.

The reason he took to Instagram was to share his business knowledge with others.

In our Instagram Success Summit, Shawn revealed that the photo-based social platform was his primary medium for building his business and growing a following of over one million. He also shared his single best method for going viral and gaining clients…

Post high-quality content.

Average content is easily lost and forgotten. It doesn’t matter if it’s video, image, text, humorous, serious, motivational, or other content formats. If it’s not exceptional content, people won’t like, comment, or share it. For this reason, you need to ensure your content quality is surpassingly good to sustain audience growth.

Many people dive into all the tricks, tactics, and trends to go viral without first making sure their content is actually good. Don’t make that mistake.

9. Chris Burkard

Chris Burkard is an explorer, creative director, filmmaker, and photography coach.

His love for his craft has led him to many endeavors. He teaches a successful filmmaking course on SkillShare, regularly speaks at events, hosts virtual workshops, and has even presented at Entrepreneurs HQ’s Instagram Success Summit.

With millions of Instagram followers, Chris has one main piece of advice to help other coaches go viral on the platform: be authentic to build genuine connections.

One of the main factors that will contribute to your success on social media is authenticity.

The latest hashtag strategy or algorithm hacks take a back seat to relatable content. Chris creates inspiring work while sharing his story on Instagram. His success is based on the combination of quality content and his authentic approach to social media.

He doesn’t try to be anyone or anything he’s not on Instagram. He shows up as he is in his social media content, and his audience loves him for it.

10. Grant Cardone

As a sales training consultant, real estate investor, equity fund manager, and business coach, Grant Cardone is a social media mogul.

His Instagram boasts millions of followers, and he is one of the best-known names in finance and entrepreneurship. Grant’s recent Instagram video went viral. He hosted special guest Mike Tyson on his 10X stage, and a clip he published on his Instagram exploded.

He garnered over 19K likes and over 1.6 million views.

So, what can you take away from Grant’s example? Interview others within your niche on your platform. While you may not get someone with the clout of Mike Tyson, you can surely find coaches who are a little further along than yourself.

Collaboration is essential to build authority and can be a deciding factor in going viral on Instagram.

11. Shadé Zahrai

Shadé Zahrai is a peak-performance educator and leadership coach.

Her ability to translate complex neuroscience concepts into simple, actionable steps for improvement has made her a personal and professional development “alchemist.” And with 1.5 million Instagram followers, she has a “secret” for viral activity on the platform…

Make your content helpful and digestible.

Her most viewed videos all share the same commonalities. First, they are helpful and provide genuine value to her audience. And second, they are easily digestible. The tips and tactics are simple hacks and little tricks people can use to make instant improvements.

As a coach, what tricks or hacks do you know that can provide instant value to your audience? Compile a list and create a few snippets for Instagram. This type of content has viral potential due to its simplicity and digestible format.

12. Luvvie Ajayi Jones

Luvvie Ajayi Jones is a Nigerian writer, speaker, entrepreneur, and coach.

She gave a TED talk in 2018 that went viral, garnering over 4.5 million views. But her viral activity didn’t stop with YouTube. She has also had a few Instagram posts generate powerful responses as well. In fact, Luvvie’s 2021 Instagram post explains her unapologetic support of black women.

This post accumulated over 35K likes and an overwhelming flood of positive comments.

You can apply this to your Instagram account by taking a stand for something. People respect and respond to passion. Be polarizing in your ideas and beliefs. If you want maximum engagement, you can’t be afraid to alienate people with your convictions. In fact, that’s one of the biggest content mistakes.

You build a sense of community and increased engagement over time when you speak your truth. It’s how you connect with others on a personal level.

Yes, as a coach and content creator, you will lose people who don’t share your values. But that’s actually a good thing because you’ll also gain people who align with your ideals. You don’t want the wrong audience.

If you use relevant keywords, compelling captions, quality video posts, and do everything else to boost your chances of success, junk followers will still turn your efforts into a complete flop.

13. Eric Edmeades

Eric Edmeades is a Canadian public speaker, author, entrepreneur, and business coach.

He gave a talk on the Mindvalley stage detailing how to become a master public speaker. The talk has accumulated 2.7 million views and is one of the most viewed YouTube videos on public speaking.

What can you learn from Eric’s example that you can apply to going viral on Instagram? Deliver value.

Eric’s entire speech contains concepts, ideas, nuances, and distinctions to help his audience become effective speakers. He delves deep into the principles that make great speeches, shares little-known skills that enhance stage presence and confidence, and so much more.

This is the kind of value audiences want: Practical, effective, and easy to implement.

If you can infuse your Instagram content with value in this way, your audience will never leave your side. Moreover, they’ll praise you and share everything you post. Why? Because you’ve helped improve certain aspects of their lives with genuinely helpful content.

14. Brian Mark

Brian Mark is a social media influencer and strength and fitness coach from Canada.

Mark has competed in and won many fitness competitions, currently runs multiple businesses, and is obsessed with maximum engagement on social media algorithms. Brian has a simple strategy for going viral.

What’s more, he (and many other coaches in his space) have used it with repeated success.

Brian recommends starting your videos by highlighting a problem your target market is struggling with. Maybe they’re trying to lose weight, scale their business, or resolve financial difficulties. Call out the pain immediately in the video.

Then, offer a solution such as, “Here are three simple tips to XYZ.”

This tactic engages your audience’s emotions since they feel as if you’re talking directly to them. By offering a simple solution to their problem, you’re providing value. They’ll feel compelled to like, comment on, and share your content.

And provided you’re consistent with publishing new high-quality content, they’ll remain in your corner.

15. David Goggins

A triathlete, ultra-marathon runner, motivational public speaker, and sports coach, David Goggins is known for his steel trap mindset and laundry list of accomplishments.

As a retired U.S. Navy SEAL, Goggins now delivers speeches while also coaching sports and executive teams across America. He is also a popular social media personality with over 11 million followers on Instagram. David’s philosophy is simple: show up daily to conquer your weaknesses.

And this is evident in his Instagram posts.

Goggins regularly posts videos of himself running and weight training while delivering impassioned talks on goals, discipline, and hard work. He has become synonymous with grit and motivation.

So, what’s the lesson you can take away from David? Be who you say you are – you must be congruent. When it comes to social media, people can smell insincerity through their phone screens. So, the key is to be the person you’re portraying on Instagram genuinely.

That’s how you establish real connections, build trust, and increase your chances of going viral.

16. Gabrielle Bernstein

Gabrielle Bernstein is a best-selling author, speaker, and life coach.

She is an acclaimed spiritual leader, host of the Dear Gabby podcast, and internet personality with 1.4 million Instagram followers. A simple viral hack that Gabrielle has seen success with is the “Advice I’d give my younger self” trend.

You’ve undoubtedly seen this type of content on social media.

Successful internet personalities post content, sharing insights they wish they had known when they were younger. This content has become popular because it gives the viewer an inside look at the success mindset.

As a result, they can then take that mentality and apply it to their own lives.

This is a powerful way to connect, add value, and possibly even go viral.

It could be about business, mindset, finances, relationships, work ethic, and so on. Take those experiences and share them with your Instagram followers.

17. Daniel Mangena

Daniel Mangena is an author, speaker, radio host, and success and wealth coach.

With a powerful message of inspiring others to build a life of abundance, Mangena has perfected his world-class coaching methodology. As a result, he has become a sought-after coach and best-selling author in the personal growth niche.

With over 100K Instagram followers, Daniel takes a different approach to going viral. He challenges his audience on a personal level.

The image above is a screenshot from an Instagram video in which he encourages his followers to stop waiting and start acting. The video infuses motivational music with B-roll footage to stir and stimulate his viewers’ emotions. Many coaches and influencers use this kind of content because it’s effective in motivating others.

Do you have some insightful words of wisdom or encouraging remarks about goals, dreams, and success? Can you compliment that knowledge with some inspirational video content?

If so, these kinds of videos could be perfect for your Instagram content marketing strategy, as they have massive viral potential.

18. Iyanla Vanzant

As a speaker, lawyer, and life coach, Iyanla Vanzant has written 17 books, which have sold more than ten million copies.

She’s also a popular social media influencer with more than 1.8 million Instagram followers. She recently published a viral post on Instagram, which proves an important principle. The power of leaning into controversy. The post was an interview she did with TV personality Nick Cannon, discussing the recent Sean Combs allegations.

The video accumulated over 1.6 million views, nearly 60K likes, and 2,500 comments.

Controversial topics always captivate attention. They usually consist of public figures embroiled in sensitive topics or shameful acts. As a coach, you can learn an important lesson from Iyanla about going viral on Instagram: don’t shy away from controversy.

If it’s appropriate for your brand and audience, or even if it’s a subject you feel strongly about, speak up and lean into it. If you feel strongly about something, chances are excellent that your audience does, too.

And these are the perfect conditions for going viral on Instagram.

19. Ken Coleman

Ken Coleman is a radio host, best-selling author, and America’s number-one career coach.

He has done a masterful job using examples of successful people to encourage his followers. This is another popular social media trend, and for good reason: it works. Life is hard. We all experience moments of self-doubt and insecurity.

You can be the light your followers need to keep moving forward.

Look at the image above.

Ken shares a list of successful people who didn’t hit their strides until later in life. It’s evidence that it’s never too late. And his audience showed their appreciation for the encouraging post by spreading it like wildfire.

Encourage your Instagram followers by using successful people who have come before them as examples. It’s a simple (but powerful) tactic that gives hope to others and has the potential to go viral.

20. Reuben Brooks

Rueben Brooks is a fitness coach and influencer from San Diego, California.

He has trained celebrities, created numerous health programs, and is a former fitness model. He practices a simple tactic for going viral on Instagram: he posts about lifestyle. These types of posts are often overlooked as viral content.

However, they offer a lot of potential.

Why? Lifestyle posts reflect back to your audience who they want to be and how they want to live. It mirrors their ideal life, and that makes these posts a powerful source of inspiration to your target market. As a coach, people come to you because you have something they want.

It could be a healthy income, a loving relationship, or a thriving business.

Can you reflect on some of those qualities in a post to your audience? Moreover, can you encourage them to believe that what you have is also possible for them?

This is how you plant the seeds of working with you as a coach while also creating the conditions to go viral on Instagram.

21. Dan Martell

An award-winning entrepreneur and best-selling author, Dan Martell is a business coach who helps high-performance SaaS founders.

Dan recently posted an Instagram reel that went viral. In two days, it garnered over 191K views and over 5K likes. What advice did he give his audience in that 43-second clip? The simple hack of working out for business success.

Dan explains how athletics are the gateway to winning in life.

He supports his claims with the physical and mental benefits that come from having a strenuous training regime. It’s a simple yet fundamental hack that holds tremendous merit. And Dan (along with his audience) understands this, which is why the video did so well in the algorithm.

The key takeaway from Dan’s example is to provide simple hacks for your audience to run with.

If people want drawn-out explanations, they’ll purchase a course or a book. Instagram is for short, value-packed content. So, think of a few ways you can provide quick, valuable, and easily digestible content for your Instagram followers.

22. Chris Do

Chris Do is an award-winning designer, CEO, and founder of The Futur, an online education platform that helps people do work they love.

Known for his extensive sales, branding, and marketing knowledge, Chris strongly believes in the entrepreneur. One key element he helps people with is thinking outside the box with their Instagram content.

In the video image below, he encourages his followers to think differently about how they sell their services.

This video garnered over 13K likes and more than 600K plays. Why? Because it brings a new perspective. Social media is great. However, it’s now oversaturated with so much generic, mediocre content spouting the same templated ideas that it can be challenging to separate yourself.

Can you think of interesting or creative ways to help your audience on Instagram?

It could be a new approach to an old methodology or, like Chris’s example above, a unique business hack to increase sales.

23. Seth Godin

Seth Godin is a speaker, author, and business and marketing coach.

He had an Instagram post go viral where he empowers his audience to change their perspectives on social media. Many coaches feel that the “all-mighty” algorithms are the determining factor in their social media success.

Seth, however, flips the script.

In the video clip, he empowers influencers to find their tribes on social media and remove them from those platforms onto their email lists and into their sales funnels. This marketing insight takes power away from social media and gives it to the user.

So, what knowledge can you impart that can empower your audience?

Remember: going viral on Instagram happens with value-packed content. Use your experiences to add value to your followers’ lives. Depending on your coaching niche, draw from certain areas in your life where you’ve learned your most impactful life lessons.

And share them freely on Instagram to empower your followers.

24. Kevin Kuster

Kevin Kuster is a social media coach, visual strategist, and CEO of the JJ Community, which has over 500K Instagram followers.

He also is a speaker at our virtual summit on how to grow on Instagram. Kevin’s secret for going viral on Instagram is not really a secret at all. In fact, it’s a common knowledge best practice that most users of the platform forget, and that’s to make your images visually appealing.

Instagram was designed with visuals in mind.

While many other features have been added to enhance Instagram’s algorithmic performance, visuals still remain a primary factor for viral potential. Kevin’s photos are all visually pleasing. His blend of creativity is displayed in his unique images of everything from stunning scenery to modern architecture.

As a result, his account emanates with style and distinction.

So, if you want to go viral on Instagram, make your account visually appealing. Use a mix of colors, fonts, videos, and images to create a unique user experience for people.

25. Jim Kwik

Jim Kwik is a keynote speaker and brain coach.

He has over two million Instagram followers and is a wildly popular internet personality. Despite his extensive knowledge of neuroplasticity and brain health, Jim employs a simple tactic for going viral on Instagram: humor.

Above anything else, people want to be entertained on Instagram.

With this understanding, Jim posted a hilarious video of how 2024 has been unfolding. The clip features Melissa McCarthy going through hysterically horrific moments, with the months (January to April) representing each scene.

The video received over 14K likes and nearly one million plays.

As a coach, you don’t always have to be motivational, inspirational, or educational. Sometimes it’s good just to have fun. People like seeing all sides of those they follow on Instagram. It makes you diverse, interesting, and engaging to watch.

So, consider adding a few humorous videos to your Instagram content strategy. It can help set you apart and increase your likelihood of going viral.

Key Takeaways

Going viral on Instagram can give your coaching business more visibility and access to new audiences.

The common thread that ties all of the examples, tips, and suggestions together to go viral is adding value. That is the key differentiator. Everything else will fall into place when you shift your mindset into one of service.

If you need more help with growing your business with proven systems, be sure to watch our free training on how to get coaching clients.

EHQ Team

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